Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Our dear friends Stefanie and Justin sent us a new Devotional that Jake and I started Jan. 1st. The title of the devotional is "Streams in the Desert" by L.B. Cowman. Tonight's devotional hit home for me. It was a reminder that we must have a living grace in order to do life's work and calling.
I have a hard time putting aside thinking about our future. This can impact me in bad ways. It can consume my thoughts and make me worry about unknowns. I know I shouldn't do this. No one knows what their future holds. Another friend of mine who has a child with MPS just emailed me and said something that I already knew, but brought my attention back to this. MPS affects everyone differently. Who knows, a treatment or maybe even a cure could come along in Livia's life. This devotional reminded me that no matter what goes on in my life, God will be there for me and my family and He will lead us down the right path.

"When you pass through the waters"
Deep the waves may be and cold,
But Jehovah is our refuge,
And His promise is our hold;
For the Lord Himself has said it,
He, the faithful God and true:
"When you come to the waters
You will not go down, BUT THROUGH."

Seas of sorrow, seas of trial,
Bitter anguish, fiercest pain,
Rolling surges of temptation
Sweeping over heart and brain-
They will never overflow us
For we know His word is true;
All His waves and all His billows
He will lead us safely THROUGH.

Threatening breakers of destruction,
Doubt's insidious undertow,
Will not sink us, will not drag us
Out to ocean depths of woe;
For His promise will sustain us,
Praise the Lord, whose Word is true!
We will not go down, or under,
For He says, "You will pass THROUGH."
Annie Johnson Flint

I hope we can pass through this with our heads held high. I hope we can sustain this pain and unknown with the trust that we will not sink. My hope is something that inspires me to make it through each and every day.

I love you Livia, I love you Finley..................both of you have brought so much love into my heart it hurts. You both have created a new life for me. I wouldn't trade this life for anything. Having the two of you is a dream come true. Not only is it a dream come true, but you have helped create new dreams. Through all of this we are going to do good.


  1. Kelly,

    Thank you for sharing this devotional. I am praying for you and your family. Your girls are so beautiful! I, too, have found new dreams and goals since having children and would not trade this life for any other. God Bless you!

    With Love and Prayers, Ali Franzen-VanderTuuk

  2. I love the devo and glad it is blessing your soul...we will make it THROUGH.
