Thursday, December 10, 2009


For those of you looking for a new post from me, I will be adding one soon. I've had lots of thoughts and ideas for a new post, but the time has been getting away from me to just sit down and do it. We are getting ready for our Disney trip, and I have been so mentally consumed with this. Please pray for us for safe travels, ease of nerves, fun times, wisdom and guidance. I'm really looking forward to this trip, but am a little nervous. I'll be excited to share the information we receive and share lots of photos as well.

I've been reflecting a lot on the meaning and word opportunities lately. This is the inspiration for my next post. This verse is something else that has been on my mind a lot.............What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. (Hebrews 11:1)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My drive

There are times that I hear what other people are going through or just in socializing, I hear about things other people's children are doing. I'm not going to lie, after Pilate's class today I went into the locker room and cried. When class was over and I was talking with the instructor she started talking about her daughter and potty training. Another lady joined in the conversation and I just had to excuse myself because I realized this is one of the first things I'm not going to experience with Livia. I can remember not long ago sitting at a restaurant and a waiter started talking to Livia and she didn't really respond to him. He said to us, "don't worry when she's in college she'll never shut up." I've never had my heart sink so deep as these couple moments. I don't write these things to deter people from sharing their moments with their children. I don't want to push anyone away. I have such high hope that something is going to come along in Livia's life. This is my drive. I may experience these heart wrenching moments at times, but when I'm with Livia and Finley the rest of the world disappears and those girls light up my life. I can be so sad and down and just being in the presence of her makes everything better. I know what love is. I know how important it is to cherish moments and not sweat the small stuff.